I don’t believe any other president in history can compete with the legacy that George W. Bush will leave behind. It is absolutely incredible what he has managed to accomplish in his 8 years as president of the United States of America.
Let us take a minute to look at what America was like just as W was taking office. We had a surplus for the first time in many, many years. The economy was booming with new technology on the rise. We were relatively at peace with the rest of the world, at least nothing outstanding or significant to be noted.
So what has our fearless leader managed to accomplish in his 8 years as president, I will list it out as I tend to like lists:
– We have been attacked by terrorists on our own soil numerous times, the most significant being 9/11, which was an unprecedented attack on the mainland. Previously, I believe (and could be wrong since I’m no history buff) the only attack on US soil was Pearl Harbor.
– We are in the middle of a completely unnecessary war and we have a second one that is relatively stagnant due to our resources being diverted to said unnecessary war.
– We have the largest deficit in history due to said unnecessary war and now are looking at an even larger deficit due to our economic crisis.
– We have one of the largest economic crises in history knocking at our front door steps due to changes in regulations and tax structure.
– We have less funding for education, social security and health care.
– We are nowhere close to the environmental regulations that the rest of the first world has been working on for years now. In fact our president still says that global warming doesn’t exist.
– We fund churches that have started “charter” schools but not our average inner-city public schools, in fact we cut their funding due to “low performance” (amazing how that separation of church and state just miraculously disappeared from the constitution, or did I miss the part where the first amendment is no longer valid?)
I’m sure there are other things I’ve forgotten but I’d say the first four are the major points. I’d say it’s one helluva legacy to be leaving behind. Dear President Bush, I hope you are proud of the incredible legacy that will follow you. I’m not sure I envy you on that one.