I’ve always been a bit accident-prone and I know that but I don’t let it stop me from being active. I mean if I did I think I would end up in a padded room somewhere just so I could not end up with mystery bruises. But the latest installment of mystery injuries is actually fairly sever and I’m trying to figure out what happened. So I went running the past two days and the first day my right foot was smarting just a bit after I had cooled down and was walking home from the gym. I didn’t really think much of it and carried on with life as usual. Then I decided to go running the next day but my foot had been a little irritable all day but nothing severe enough to cause me reason to pause. By the middle of my run it was a little painful off/on so I cut it short to ask the trainer what they think. First they asked what happened and I told them “I haven’t been running in a couple of weeks and I just got back on yesterday and went back to running as usual and then came back for a second round today. There was honestly nothing else that I can think of that was unusual.” And it’s true there was absolutely nothing unusual about my run or even after my run that would have made me think that the two were related. So I am scheduled to see my doctor and get an x-ray tomorrow and I suppose I will just have to wait and see about what might be wrong and how I got this mystery injury.