Ok, so I haven’t really been much of a personal blogger but thanks to my friend, Deidre over at under the ponderosas, who I have discovered is pretty awesome. (Clearly the idea behind this experiment is genius by finding new bloggers that you actually think are pretty cool). And this is something how it went:
1. I noticed that you switched coasts so I was wondering what your thoughts are on the whole West Coast vs. East Coast phenomenon.
The beer out here is much better!
My Oregon-born niece is going to grad school in D.C. and she says no one there drinks beer. Here, I actually know a few people who brew their own.
2. What are your top 5 karaoke songs?
To be honest, the last time I saw a karaoke machine was in the mid-90s in a bar in Vilnius, Lithuania. I sing a lot, though, around the house. In the mornings I like to listen to booming orchestral music; it wakes me up. This is one of my favorites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfQYBfdNEb8.
3. Do you believe in magic/miracles? Why or why not?
I believe that life itself is magic. I love to read (or watch or listen to) natural histories that describe the wonder of this world. Once my daughter captured a pregnant sagebrush lizard which laid eggs in a fishtank in our house. The eggs dried up and the lizard could barely move because she was so cold. Lizards need it hot. And I was all, How is it possible that lizards even exist? In Central Oregon it’s below freezing eight months of the year, and even in summer the nights can be in the 40s. So how can a lizard live? How can it find food before the temps get so low it can no longer move? It is a Great Mystery.
4. What is your favourite food?
Once when I flew to Pennsylvania to see my parents, my mom picked me up from BWI and we stopped for dinner at one of those roadside places that serve only Maryland blue crab and bread. They sat us at a picnic table and dumped a load of crabs in front of us. HEAVEN!
5. Did you always know you wanted to have kids? And what do you enjoy most about being a parent?
I always kind of figured I’d marry and have kids but, like, really far in the future. Like, when I was thirty. And then all-of-a-sudden I was TWENTY EIGHT! Which is almost thirty! And I was married! So my husband and I decided to try for kids. I knew only one person with a child at that time, and I didn’t know her well. I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into.
Now that they’re almost-8 and 5 and sleep through the night, I have to say that I just really enjoy my kids. They’re so interesting and creative and they make me laugh.
6. What is your favourite season and why?
For my husband, who’s a skiier, autumn is a season of anticipation; he greets every sign of the oncoming winter with this intense joy — like a kid counting down the days to Christmas. It’s contagious, that enthusiasm. So I like autumn for the best, too.