Unintentionally Vegetarian/Vegan

So here’s the thing, I’ve been reading this book Skinny Bitch, which by the way is awesome, that has some really horrifying passages about slaughterhouses and dairy farms that are pretty darn disturbing. So the first day after I read it, I was a little put off the whole meat and dairy thing. Now, I find this interesting because well I read The Jungle and that had absolutely no effect on my eating habits or desires. So I don’t know when I gained such a conscience or perhaps the passages were just different from the ones included in this book, I read that over 10 years ago (for school) so I’m a little fuzzy on it. It might also have to do with the fact that I’m reading this book by choice and I was reading The Jungle because it was on the reading list in high school.

I’ll put a disclaimer on this here and now, I may not be a vegetarian/vegan permanently, I truly do enjoy my animal products, I just find it fascinating what one book can do to your life which is why I am writing about it here.

The thing that I find most interesting is that it has been a few days since I have read those horrifying passages and I can generally forget things I don’t want to know relatively easily (at least when it comes to food that I like and don’t particularly want to give up). But for some reason I am finding that when I go out or am in the office cafeteria I will actually opt to get something vegetarian and if possible vegan before I choose anything with meat or dairy. It’s almost as if the women who wrote this book got into my head and changed my psyche a bit. I choose to eat differently. And I keep telling myself that I miss meat but honestly, I don’t really mind not having it. It’s only been a week that I’ve been doing it but um, I’m also the girl that used to say she likes to “eat her steak still mooing”. I mean one of my good friends and I talk about how we like to cook our steaks “black and blue” which basically just means it’s very rare. So I just find it fascinating that just by reading one book I have made a huge change in my diet. It just jolted me into the realities of the industry and my opposition to eating meat and dairy really has more to do with the way that industry works than my taste preferences.

Also, what I have found in the past week is that you can find tons of really tasty vegetarian/vegan food out there! You don’t necessarily need meat or dairy to make yourself a fabulous meal. All it takes is a little creative thinking. And quite frankly half the vegetarian/vegan food is better for you anyway.

The only thing I will say is that my experiment with a soy latte was horrifyingly disappointing. I really didn’t think it would taste all that different but I don’t put any sweetener in my lattes and I swear the soy milk made it sickeningly sweet. I couldn’t even finish it. That was really sad because while I don’t drink lattes often, I do like them on occasion.

I’m curious to see what this difference will make in how I feel when I go to the gym. I injured myself last week so I took a week off but I’m back as of today I think it should be interesting. And I mean the book is called Skinny Bitch so I’m curious as to how much changing your diet so drastically will change the rest of your body image etc. I suppose simply making healthier changes should make it easier. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

2 thoughts on “Unintentionally Vegetarian/Vegan

  1. Hi there,

    I think it’s really interesting that one book is having such a profound effect on your psyche, as you have put it. That is awesome that you are putting your [new] ethics into practice by choosing to partake of more vegetarian/vegan foods. Lots of yummy food in your future – sorry to hear ’bout the soy latte though! 🙂

    I wanted to mention my favorite cook book, called “How it All Vegan” by Sarah Kramer and Tanya Barnard. That is the book that turned me vegan. I think you might find it of use. I find it a little less grating than something called ‘skinny bitch’ – the title bothers me a lot (that we should aspire to being bitches, and skinny? Shock value, as you said?) But if you’re getting something out of it, good!
    There’s also a great recipe-sharing site called http://www.vegweb.com that you might like to check out. I know you said you don’t cook much, but you might find some support & easy recipes there too.

    Peace and carrots! 🙂


  2. Yeah, I know the title can be a little jarring and objectionable but I happen to like the idea of reclaiming what “skinny bitch” means to be more positive. At least that’s how I view it.

    Thanks for the other info, I’ll definitely take a look!

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